林地型偽裝網:正面為南方春夏季節使用的偽裝網面,由深綠、中綠、黃綠和沙土等 4 種顏色斑點組成,適應春夏植被生長茂盛背景;反面為秋冬季節使用的偽裝網面,由深綠、中綠、黃土和褐土斑點組成,適應林地背景秋冬植被落葉、枯萎和休眠季節或植被背景,近紅外線反射率與其背景基調相適應。
Forest type camouflage net: The front is a camouflage net used in the southern spring and summer seasons, composed of four color spots: dark green, medium green, yellow green, and sandy soil, suitable for the background of lush vegetation growth in spring and summer; The reverse side is a camouflage net used in the autumn and winter seasons, composed of dark green, medium green, loess, and brown soil spots, suitable for forest background, autumn and winter vegetation deciduous, withered, and dormant seasons, or sparse vegetation background. The near-infrared reflectance is adapted to its background tone.
Desert type camouflage net: The front is suitable for scenes with less vegetation on deserts or loess plateaus, composed of shallow sand, sandy soil, brown soil, and loess spots; On the opposite side is the camouflage network of the Gobi Desert landform, composed of shallow sand, sandy soil, black stones, and dark green spots, with near-infrared reflectance matching its background tone.
雪地型偽裝網:正面為全積雪偽裝網面,為全白色;反面為部分積雪偽裝網面,由白色、黃土兩種顏色斑點組成。白色偽裝色在紫外光譜350 nm處的反射系數≥70%,白度≥90。
Snow type camouflage net: The front is a full snow camouflage net surface, which is all white; The reverse side is a partially snow covered camouflage net, composed of white and yellow spots. The reflection coefficient of the white camouflage color at 350 nm in the ultraviolet spectrum is ≥ 70%, and the whiteness is ≥ 90.
以上是關于 山東濟寧偽裝網 的介紹,若想了解相關知識可請點擊:http://www.dhlyjx.com 我們將會全心全意為您提供滿分服務,歡迎您的來電!
The above is an introduction to Shandong Jining Disguise Network. If you want to learn more about related knowledge, please click: http://www.dhlyjx.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!